Apples and Ice: The Michigan Mystery
by Louise Richie Kunkle
Trafford Publishing

"Could God still bring good and healing out of all this misfortune and pain?"

Linda Farnsworth's family operates an apple orchard and tree farm on the northern shore of Lake Michigan. Blessed with good business skills, Linda has managed their farm since her father's passing. However, she could not prevent the tragedies that linked her own and her family's happiness over the past five years.

Her young nephew, Richie, in his wheel chair is a constant reminder of their losses. Yet there is hope that surgery in the fall, when he is stronger, could have him walking again. As guardian, Linda, places a newspaper ad for a caregiver and companion to Richie, someone who will also help around the farm. Handsome Whit Brockman arrives in answer. Apple picking and Christmas tree orders can always use another able-bodied man, but Brock, as he prefers to be called, is himself recovering from recent issues that include a scar on his back. Next to arrive are friends of Richie’s dead father. Harold and his wife, Marci, join the farm as partners. Marci will help the older Mrs. Farnsworth. Harold's brother-in-law, Steve, will also work, like Brock, until winter sets in for real. And what do the three men find so fascinating about ice fishing on the frozen channel near Lake Michigan? At Christmas, Brock insists that Linda allow the house to be decorated for the first time since the death of Richie’s parents. He asks for Linda’s trust, but who is Mrs. Johnson whom Brock calls Love?

Apples and Ice is the author's first published novel. The 234-page paperback book is an engrossing read. Can Brock discover the mystery to Linda's frozen heart? Well-plotted with believable characters, the novel fits both mystery and romance genres. Despite a slow start due to descriptive text, the author cleverly pulls off a coup.

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