Author Gosling-Berté has compiled a practical guide for planning for one’s pre- and post-demise details. Her book gives her readers a chance to create a simple but remarkably explorative guide for family, friends, and professionals to follow after the occasion of one’s death. Each chapter sets forth items to be filled in by the reader, often posing deeply probing questions about preferences, personal history, and life events that may need to be understood by those planning a memorial ceremony (or being asked to plan none). Standard funeral possibilities covered include coffins, flowers, visitation, religion, pallbearers, and attire. A lengthy section allows those leaving pets behind to describe their particular needs. Pertinent issues cited are facts about the birth and family heritage of those filling out the forms, along with gender identity, adoption status, persons who would not be welcome at a funeral or other ceremony, and even the possibility of assisted suicide.
Gosling-Berté provides useful mentoring for final wishes inspired by her own life events. For instance, earlier in life, she found herself suddenly faced with a life-threatening surgery and realized she had no plans for a will or funeral. Thus, this helpful manual is offered for anyone contemplating the inevitable at whatever age or stage of life. The author’s wishes for her own properly planned ceremonies provide an effective outreach to all readers. In creating this work, she has generously attempted to present both typical and rather unlikely situations for readers to envision and has given them scope to ponder the questions posed at a time and place of their choosing. Gosling-Berté’s highly organized self-help guide can be utilized as a focus for gatherings of any community association and as a shared task among close families.