Having served as an Air Force fighter pilot during World War II, Steve Pritchard now works as a test engineer for Western Aviation Company, a leading aerospace manufacturer. After successfully identifying a critical aircraft design flaw in an Air Force transport, Steve is tasked with investigating multiple mysterious crashes of the new F-87 Air Force jet fighter, a.k.a. the Leopard. Crash site investigations have revealed no aircraft malfunction, but the Air Force’s subsequent rulings of pilot error are extremely controversial in light of the deaths of several highly skilled pilots. Pritchard is thrust into a volatile situation in which the media’s accusations of a cover-up could have far-reaching political implications. Teaming up with NASA aeronautical engineer Dr. Charlie Collins, Pritchard makes discoveries that could be detrimental to his company’s Air Force defense contract and national security. As the investigation unfolds, Pritchard’s relentless pursuit of the truth leaves him in an ethical dilemma with potential career-ending and life-threatening consequences.
A compelling prologue details the mysterious circumstances surrounding the crash and subsequent death of the author’s cousin, Air Force fighter pilot First Lieutenant James Lyle Teeslink, and his wingman. Inspired by actual events, this book is an entertaining fictional depiction of a serious design flaw in one of the nation’s most famous fighter planes. The author creatively weaves intrigue, suspense, and a touch of romance into the intricate worlds of war history and aerospace engineering. Edwards’ commitment to helping the homeless is reflected in the book’s recurring theme of charity towards the less fortunate. Thought-provoking and profound, this book ultimately encourages readers to ponder their own morality when faced with the threat of losing everything they hold dear.