"Employees who work from home are dramatically more likely to quit than employees who routinely work in the office setting."

The concept of working from home has existed since at least 1973 when that year's oil embargo severely limited automotive travel. From then until 2019, it remained almost exclusively a perk for those high on the corporate ladder. Then the COVID-19 pandemic overtook the world, and, for many of those who didn't lose their jobs outright, working from home became the only option to keep businesses running. It allowed caregivers to stay home with their dependents, for example, but it also led to distraction from work by responsibilities at home and to increased isolation and depression among quarantined or socially distanced workers. Corporate culture has broken down as solitude has fostered feelings of professional isolation and personal loneliness. The home, once a place of respite from office worries, has also become an extension of the workplace. Are improving air quality and cleaner water sufficient incentives to continue this trend when COVID-19 ends?

This timely book begins with a history of the work-from-home trend. It then explains exactly how the spread of the coronavirus motivated the nearly ubiquitous lockdown, including the shutdown of businesses and the varying speeds of global response to this public health emergency. Baputey, a human resources specialist, also discusses the pros and cons of working elsewhere than in the office, devoting a chapter to each. He explains how the new working conditions highlight different working styles among employees, including differences in peak productivity times. One chapter concerns the impact of such virtual meeting technology as Zoom, WeChat, Google Meet, and Skype. Human resources personnel and owners of businesses of any size might find this book to be of interest. So might those who ordinarily work from home. They will newly appreciate the challenges facing those who do not.

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