GoForth’s timely text works relentlessly to highlight religious ideologies as a catalyst of division—and often much worse. In the process, the countless moments of bloodshed throughout history are recounted to demonstrate the continuation of ancestral trauma that humanity is ensnared in. In a refreshing fusion, the author segues from a purely religious discussion to a more spiritual one, one that is centered on finding peace by calming the mind and being free from manipulation and conformity via compassion, peace, and, at its root, love. One of the terms that GoForth often mentions is collective energy, and it is this notion that we are all linked in some capacity on a cosmic level that presents tremendous intrigue.
GoForth’s natural and authentic storytelling ability delivers numerous relatable examples, describing the ability of institutions to control and condition souls rather than prepare them for a true, genuine, and unfiltered interpretation of religious texts. On a deeper level, what helps this work stand out within the realm of faith-based works is the author’s ode to the Earth and the subsequent salient point that regardless of our origin story, the known factor is that Mother Earth is what sustains us. Our sacred bond to her should be upheld to the utmost degree.
Structurally, in every segment of the work, the author supplants his rationales with a section entitled “Personal Notes” that speaks to his own humanness. Above all else, his work is a guide map to recognize the need to free oneself from baseless perceptions and notions of conformity that only feed the purpose of those in positions of power. Moving past love for possessions and embracing a universal and empowering love, as Goforth demonstrates, is what ultimately harbors the potential to unleash the innate power of the soul.