A Walk with God
by Donna M. Jackson

"God and I took a beautiful journey together, and now I’m back with family again."

Author Jackson has created a novel based around the sometimes harrowing, sometimes courage-evoking experiences of Bridgett, a loving wife and mother. The opening scenes center on Bridgett’s brain surgery. She fears she will never see her husband, Joe, again as she contemplates the elaborate hospital procedures she must endure, all with an uncertain outcome. But while under anesthesia, she is immersed in a walk with Jesus, guiding her to meet the souls of the family with whom she shares a deep connection. After the operation, she rejoices to see Joe. Jackson then builds the longer saga of Bridgett’s courtship with Joe, during which she becomes pregnant, their resolve to marry and raise a child, and her tragic sense of loss when that pregnancy ends in a stillbirth. This will be contrasted with her later uplifting joy at the birth of her first son. Interwoven with various family details are Bridgett’s memories and musings regarding her growing relationship with Jesus, leading to her total acceptance of God’s will in what will be a long and prosperous life, both in practical detail and inner, religious striving.

Jackson has composed this work—a veiled memoir as seen by her heroine Bridgett—in hopes of inspiring readers to seek life’s solutions by following a similar religious path to satisfaction, the knowledge that life can be enjoyable if underpinned by faith. Bridgett’s tale is deftly drawn, moving forward and backward through her life’s journey and demonstrating how her God-focused evolution arises amidst trials of illness and injury, uniting her and her husband ever more deeply as each expresses love through diligent care and genuine sharing. Jackson’s wish will undoubtedly find fulfillment as her vivid, almost cinematic story will be read and studied by like-minded groups and individuals, offering hope and the possibility for lasting belief-based contentment.

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