Activate or Stagnate
by Gregory Griffith
Gotham Books

"The balance we need can only be found using the right combination of physical, mental, and spiritual foundations."

While teaching high school students with learning disabilities over a thirty-year career, Griffith established hundreds of “Personal Empowerment Recognition Programs” (PERP) based on the motivational information he would share with his students each morning. From these “discussions and open dialogues” used to create “lasting student-teacher relationships,” thirty were selected and serve here as the basis for Griffith’s book, empowering the reader to “take charge of your life and your future.” Encouraging readers to “plan your strategy, stay consistent, fired up and focused!” the author’s PERP lifestyle management tool begins with a personalized questionnaire regarding mental, physical, and spiritual realms, then covers in detail such relevant areas (nicknamed “GG Factors”) as “Foundations,” “Happy New You,” “Hit the Homerun,” “Growth Potential,” “Empowerment,” “Enthusiasm,” “Relationships,” “Fear Versus Faith,” “Believe in Yourself,” “Respect,” “Harmony,” “Intend to Win,” and more.

Griffith’s direct message of taking concrete action, combined with his uniquely positive and highly encouraging writing style, becomes instantly contagious only a few pages into his book. Knowing this is a gentleman who has walked the walk he writes about with such humble integrity, the plans detailed here come across as trustworthy and provide a solid groundwork from which one can operate on a daily basis, measuring growth toward one’s maximum potential. The inclusion of colorful personal photographs over the years, with family, fellow church leaders, musical bandmates, and showcasing personal celebrations and achievements, reinforces the notion that, as the author explains and makes available his empowerment guide, it has come to fruition through a lifetime of his own personal and professional experiences. In the closing pages, Griffith personally encourages his readers: “Call me if you need a coach! I’m ready to get you fired up!” It is precisely this accessible, personal touch that is a defining, endearing strength of Griffith’s message for transformation.

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