In her memoir, Martin talks about unwanted advances, unwanted touching, unwanted conversations, and the inevitable burying of these traumatic events that most women experience at various times in their lives. The author writes about the prevalence of predators in society and the seeming acceptance of their behaviors. "Predators are out there, everywhere, hiding in the most upright, upscale, suit-and-tie jobs." The message is that one doesn't have to shrug it off anymore. Abuse, whether with touching or not, covert or overt, is unacceptable, including sexual discussions, innuendo, and quick feels. Also poignant are Martin's discovery and descriptions of generational trauma. "What I learned is that much of our inner life has been written in our very DNA. How the people before us lived trickles down through generations...."
Memoirs, skillfully written and with deep stories to tell, sometimes put puzzle pieces together for the writer and for some readers, too. And this is exactly what happens in this cathartic narrative. Martin defines the #metoo movement, stitching her life experiences into a well-thought-out, well-written, and relatable book. She skillfully puts into words what so many only talk about with their therapists, if at all. The author is careful not to tell readers what to do, what to think, or how to react. Instead, she simply tells her own story, leaving any therapy to the professionals. Survivors of unwanted touches, suggestions, or unsolicited sexual attention can find hope through this book as they learn that what they experienced was not their fault. Martin bravely shares her story in a way that can help others make more sense of painful memories that may have been long buried.