Ugarte's message seems to be a compilation of presentations about the Platonic concept of "euboulia... excellence in counsel or sound judgment." Essentially, this means that courage mixed with insight and respect for others—tempered by discipline and security—equals success in business as well as the broader scope of life. Ugarte's basic formula involves "Elimination (problem-solving), Automation, and Optimization (3 Os). Each one requires a different approach, but they can be seen as sequential. Strive to work only on the right problems. If possible, automate decisions."
The author's enthusiasm bursts from every page, and his stated credentials include additional websites for readers to access. This work challenges the reader in multi-dimensional ways. In 200 pages, the author describes what appears to be a universal formula that ranges from approaches in individual to international objectives and goals and from the ancient world to the modern-day. Among his many pithy conclusions, the author states that our "journey to understand decision-making continues. As a species, we are getting better at it even if it doesn't seem like it."
Much has been written by philosophers and sociologists about common factors in human situations regardless of the times, places, or specifics about them. However, in some ways, what is included here merely whets the appetite, making the reader wish that the broad scope of the subjects could have been explored in more detail in a longer manuscript. Nonetheless, what the author has produced is still a tour de force that uses multiple examples to illustrate his beliefs in the components of success and the importance of integrating these in all situations.