Author Hogu was raised in a Christian atmosphere and had many powerful childhood dreams about Jesus. But her direct interest began to wane until her own daughter reminded her that she should start attending church again. This began her deep study of who Jesus is and how he can be welcomed into one’s life. Each person is composed of body, mind, and spirit, and God unites with each of those realms, replacing one’s enslavement to worldliness with joy, challenge, and the promise of eternal life. Faith, which can include fellowship, fasting, and worship, is most significantly a personal, intimate connection with God. Jesus came to establish this intimacy, which is not limited to law and ritual but lodged in the heart. This calls for dedication, such as daily, private prayer and a broader recognition of God’s presence in all spheres of life. As happened in her life, there comes a time, Hogu says, for aspiring Christians to decide whom they believe Christ to be and answer his call to true discipleship.
Hogu has served as a church deacon and trustee and has participated in care-based outreach programs. She has composed this potent guide based on her sincere exploration of the Christian faith and its values. The development of faith is a process, she asserts, that takes place within oneself, as it did for those afflicted who approached Jesus fully believing in his ability to heal. She has done extensive research, offering relevant biblical stories to underpin her lively treatise. Jesus asked the question boldly stated in Hogu’s title, and the author clearly has dedicated herself to elucidating the answer as she has learned it for the guidance and benefit of others. Her readers will undoubtedly want to study and discuss her work as they search for a closer connection with God and his Son.