Clean Your Heart
by Jiang Shan Yu Ping
Pen Culture Solutions

"Human consciousness is like a computer system, and the faith system is the foundation program for sustaining the whole system."

This new book is intended to help the reader find peace and enlightenment. It is presented with twenty-seven chapters (or courses). The author suggests the reader work their way through these, often by typing or writing out the information by hand to help the material become a part of the subconscious. Each chapter presents several questions followed by repetitive phrases meant to help readers think about how they process information and what they perceive through their five senses. Closing each chapter is a summary of what the lesson was focused on and the benefit gained from it. Most of the summaries work through the computer program analogy, and a few focus on right and left brain thinking and how the male and female brains may differ.

The author's juxtaposition in each chapter of abstract questions the reader is to ask oneself and the repetition of phrases, much like a mantra, focused on the information one can gather through the use of the five senses is interesting. However, the overall effectiveness of the book's intention and instruction would be enhanced through some additional editing as well as the inclusion of detailed directions as to how to absorb and utilize the material properly. The work is obviously influenced by Eastern beliefs and shows some reflections of Buddhist viewpoints. The book will likely find a readership among those who enjoy texts that take an innovative approach to learning. Readers who would rather have less instruction in their books and more of an abstract concept that allows them to sift the information as it best speaks to them may find this brief, thought-provoking collection worthy of their attention.

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