The narrative begins with the author arriving in Guam, along with her military husband and three children. She is immediately struck by the beauty of the island despite the “strange admixture of emergent country squalor with the suave sophistication of world-class resorts.” What follows is a recounting of her adventures (and misadventures) in her new home. The reader follows her as she forges new friendships, steadily collecting a circle of neighbors and avid gamers into her community. She also recounts a myriad of events while living on the island, from the excitement of surviving typhoons to the relatable experience of setting up a home and starting a new job in a different country. She describes day-to-day challenges in beginning her job, raising her family, and navigating new friendships.
However, despite these new adventures, an undertone of unhappiness begins to strengthen. She ends up leaving her husband after living a “life of self-defense and fear.” After her husband endangers her son’s life, she brings her children to a safe house and then stays with a friend. Ultimately, her sons decide to remain with their father, and her daughter chooses to live with her grandmother. She processes the split in her family, becomes an entrepreneur, explores new relationships, survives a horrific accident, and finds new love.
This is a fascinating account of one woman’s adventures in a military community in Guam. Featuring experiences both relatable and unique, the author describes her everyday life in moving detail. She lovingly details the colorful characters and variety of cultures that make up her community, providing both an entertaining and educational perspective. The reader cannot help but cheer her on through challenging life changes. Overall, the reader is treated to a moving demonstration of one woman’s strength and resilience.