Dealing With ADHD
by David Rex Orgen
Litprime Solutions

"Although ADHD can’t be cured, it can be successfully managed, and some symptoms may improve as the child ages."

Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, or ADHD, is a condition that has become more and more familiar to people around the world in the past few decades but is still seldom understood. Affecting both children and adults across spectrums of geography, race, and gender, its effects can be mild to severe but can leave the afflicted feeling as if there is something wrong about them that prevents them from doing things that seem to come so simply to others. This book takes a data-driven but accessible look at ADHD, its impacts, and treatment options, empowering readers to care for others or themselves gracefully and intelligently. Though far from the final word, this direct and succinct primer can take some of the fear and worry out of an ADHD diagnosis and offer simple, effective methods for achieving success regardless of the disorder’s challenges.

Getting any kind of diagnosis, from mild to severe, means wanting or needing as much information as possible at a time when tensions and emotions are high. It can become very easy to be overwhelmed. A book like this that breaks down facts and offers support for individuals, parents, or loved ones after receiving an ADHD diagnosis that probably puts a person’s entire life under a new lens is invaluable. The avoidance of unnecessary jargon, the use of statistics and multiple proven coping skills, and even the inclusion of a personal testimonial are features of this work that a person can digest in a matter of days and feel as though they are not alone. The author also shows how things are far from hopeless. While ADHD may not have a cure, the kind of education and support offered in this book takes a confusing situation and turns it into clarity.

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