Down to the Sea: A Cadet's Tale
by Brian George
Leavitt Peak Press

"Stepping on the train meant something. It meant I was leaving. Going away."

This unique book gives readers access to life in the British Merchant Navy. It explores a unique time period—the 1960s and 1970s—of naval history and travel. This time is known as a transition period between the United Kingdom's Merchant Navy of the past and what was to become the nation's contemporary Merchant Navy. The book carefully details the author’s experiences of working for the Blue Star Line. It begins with leaving his family and embarking on a new adventure. Readers meet a large cast of unique characters who reinforce the book’s global flair. They also learn the ins and outs of sea navigation, ship life, and years of adventure on the high seas.

This book is filled with rich, entertaining, and informative storytelling. From the very first page, readers quickly engage with the author’s enthusiastic retelling of his life on the sea. The narrative also makes each and every character come fully to life for readers. The dialogue is authentic, which makes the characters and George’s story even more accessible. The author’s humor also transforms many of the tales. For example, at one point, he recalls, “At the same time, I was trying to stay alive amidst the tons of cargo that were swinging across the deck at head height.” These darkly humorous observations also show that a sense of humor is integral to a person’s survival in such a career. For those looking for a new kind of adventure, this book is definitely a place where they will find it.

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