"Taxes raise revenue, redistribute income and wealth, and redirect economic activity according to the priorities of current and past policymakers."

One of the many measuring sticks used to determine the efficiency and success of a head of state is economic growth. Were things better off for people regarding employment and finances after a run in the White House? This book puts the reader in the hypothetical shoes of the next president-elect, aiming to provide a baseline working knowledge of common economic principles that will allow for deeper, more direct discussion about the repercussions and prerequisites of fulfilling any financial campaign promises. Managing the deficit, setting tax rates, negotiating international trade systems, and feeding into programs like Medicare and Social Security are just some of the overarching topics covered in this text. By the end, the reader might not be president but can certainly evaluate the performance of whoever happens to be.

Though many of these individual subjects could fill a book alone, the approach here is not to provide expertise but conversational familiarity. The author’s professional experience extends through various levels of government all the way up to the White House, lending valuable firsthand accounts and an insider's knowledge that frame the discussion with authority. Economics can be a dry subject for those not fascinated by it. But through humor and interesting anecdotes, this book feels less like academic reading and more like a discussion with a knowledgeable friend. Offering insight into not just the hows and whys of economic policy but also the political egos and compromises that go into the decision-making process, this proves to be an enlightening read that arms its audience members with the knowledge to influence decision-making or simply enhance their skills as amateur pundits.

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