From a Distance
by Vernon Bargainer
Writers’ Branding

"A new day is an invitation to search for new pathways, raise a new voice, sing a new song."

In this book, readers meet Sarah Lock, who leaves Dallas with "five one-hundred-dollar bills she had dug out of a jar in the pantry." After Sarah leaves for and returns from Oklahoma City, she confesses to her mother and her family that her husband of only a few hours punched her and nearly broke her jaw on her wedding night. Meanwhile, as Sarah journeys to recover and find herself, she meets Kevin, a man who has the potential to change her entire world and outlook on life. Readers watch Kevin and Sarah exchange playful banter and flirtations, and they witness her struggles as she navigates a stressful divorce. All the while, however, Sarah's thoughts turn to Kevin, and the pathway for the rest of her life seems clearer and clearer.

However, this novel is not just a romance. As readers see Sarah grapple with her depression, they also witness the devastating effects Sarah's divorce and mental illness take on those who support her. Throughout the novel, Sarah's father, Ed, becomes an unlikely advocate: "She said that Sarah knew she was needed emotionally by those in her life, you know, such as giving all of us her love. But, said the doctor, that's not enough, because it's so subtle." Ed's observation is one that transcends the novel's pages because it cues readers into the far-reaching and often unseen and misunderstood effects of mental illness. Nonetheless, the overall message is that families should establish an environment of obvious love and support. Thus, Kevin's character reinforces Ed's.

As Sarah's suitor, Kevin works relentlessly and selflessly to save and support her. As Kevin wrestles emotionally, mentally, and even physically with the situation, he too begins struggling: "Kevin's worry had taken him to the point where he wasn't functioning normally. He couldn't remember lifelong routines, stumbled over things he didn't notice because he was rambling around in a daze, and in general, was simply not tuned in." However, Kevin relies on his faith, and his reflections about the role of God in his life will inspire faith-based readers. What readers might admire most about Kevin is his devotion to Sarah and his emotional and spiritual strength that fuels his selflessness and love.

By the time readers reach the novel's end, they've not only taken a journey with one woman through one of the most tumultuous journeys of her life, but they've also traveled with her family and partner through their experiences of coping, accepting, and helping. The message of this book is selflessness and perseverance against all odds. Its message of hope in the face of seemingly insurmountable challenges will likely inspire those of all backgrounds. Readers looking for a faith-based book will appreciate the novel's focus on spirituality. Others will approve of the book's conversation about mental health, while those seeking a romantic flavor will enjoy the undulations of Kevin and Sarah's romance. At some points fun and light-hearted, at others heart-wrenching, this book should appeal to fans of novels like Heather Ball's The June Bug Catcher.

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