From A Heart Surgeon To A Cook
by Dr. Luis Mispireta
Mispireta Family Foundation

"By using varying flavors and ingredients, you can create a flavor identifiable with the dish, giving it almost a personality all its own."

Consuming food not only satisfies the biological need for nutrients but can also provide a pleasurable experience. Flavor is a complex phenomenon based on a variety of human senses. Combining ingredients with different tastes to create flavors is an art form rooted in science. Biologically, the human tongue has taste buds with receptors that detect the five recognized tastes. As people age, the number of certain receptors diminishes, accounting for the differences in taste perception in children versus adults and the elderly. Knowing the classes and rules of flavors enables the cook to combine ingredients in a manner that will produce enjoyable dishes. To create meals that are also healthy, the cook must understand the human body’s nutritional requirements and how each class of macronutrients must be prepared in order to improve digestion and absorption. This includes a working knowledge of the wide variety of cooking methods used in food preparation.

Mispireta provides a comprehensive yet easy-to-understand explanation of food science. The book’s first half reads like a textbook, replete with informative tables and diagrams. Complex concepts like chemical structures and biological processes are explained in laymen’s terms, producing a relatable read for both healthcare professionals and readers without a scientific background. The second half debunks the widely held assumption that a heart-healthy diet must be flavorless and unenjoyable. The book provides over one hundred recipes incorporating a variety of ingredients, herbs, and spices to create dishes that range from roasted and braised meats to casseroles, stews, sauces, soufflés, and creative vegetable dishes. Mispireta combines culinary alchemy with medical science to produce a highly informative and valuable resource with the potential to revitalize the health-conscious reader’s love of food. Tantalizing color photos of prepared meals will leave readers salivating and ready to test their skills in the kitchen.

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