"Your quality of life is tied to how well your brain functions."

Tomen reviews 102 of the most common nootropic supplements that naturally treat ADHD, anxiety, depression, brain fog, and many other mental and emotional disorders, along with those that boost learning and memory retention. The author struggled with remaining focused on the job and was subsequently diagnosed with adult ADD/ADHD and PTSD. Originally prescribed Ritalin, he found that eventually, the drug didn’t work as well over time. He researched the matter and found that L-tyrosine and two other supplements boosted dopamine levels in his brain, an essential component of mood maintenance and focus. As a result, his Ritalin began to work again. Eventually, Tomen reached another plateau when he became ill with brain fog and fatigue, the symptoms of hypothyroidism.

Tomen has done a significant amount of personal “neurohacking” to bring this guidebook to life. Readers with neurological conditions and disorders can easily find the suggested supplements that will improve or even alleviate their conditions. Each supplement has had many peer-reviewed clinical studies by leading research universities and institutions and is thoroughly analyzed with regard to dosages, possible side effects, and clear instructions for use. Although the webpage formatting and repetitive narrative tend to make the 900-page book a bit cumbersome at times, this is an important “reference and repair manual for your brain.” The obvious care with which this volume is constructed is impressive, and the benefits that result from nutritionally supporting our most important organ with the substances it needs for optimal performance are clearly outlined. Anyone who has found themselves stymied by the plethora of nutritional supplements in a health food store or online site will find answers in this vital book that brings hope and healing.

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