Health and Wealth: God's Will or Not?
by Woody Stieffel
Atticus Publishing

"So in the long view of things, there is ample evidence that God does seek the well-being and happiness of man."

This study of what is known as “prosperity or health and wealth gospel” attempts to answer some of the most profound and perplexing questions concerning God’s relationship with humanity. The author’s concern about what he sees as a nation concerned far more with acquiring monetary wealth than spiritual treasures is the impetus for his treatise. In eleven chapters, Stieffel addresses some burning questions that many believers ask: Does God want me to have the best? What did Jesus and the apostles teach about wealth? May a Christian be rich? To what extent am I my brother’s keeper? Does God have preferences as to who he heals? The author uses both Old and New Testament references to reveal the biblical answer to these questions. Though the questions and concepts are at times difficult, Stieffel presents answers that are thoughtful and comprehensive as well as assessable to modern readers.

With forty-seven years as an active church member, eleven of which he served as a church pastor, the author speaks with an air of authority concerning each of the chapters’ topics. Each chapter is filled with numerous biblical references to illuminate the topic and illustrate the author’s answers. Perhaps it is his background in civil engineering that affords him the ability to ask the hard questions and then present their answers in a systematic, biblically based approach, making the answers easy to comprehend. Even when addressing such issues as human suffering and God’s willingness to allow it, the author refrains from overly simplistic platitudes to render a thought-provoking assessment. “There are times when the shortfalls of our maturing and character need the refining, strengthening effect of suffering or affliction. There are also vital lessons to be learned and qualities to be acquired that easy, comfortable living cannot produce. In regard to suffering, we’re never glad it comes, but should be glad it came. It is usually later that we come to realize the benefit.” Though this may present a hard lesson, it is a lesson one can readily comprehend and perhaps accept.

Stieffel’s ability to narrow down biblical truths in a way that contemporary readers can follow shows his mastery of both scripture and teaching. He expounds on the error of prosperity pastors in their simplistic “God wants you to be rich” presentation of doctrine. It is evident that he has a heart for teaching biblical truth and the ability to home in on the most important aspects of biblical doctrine. He offers readers a guide to study exactly what the Bible states about wealth and health, including what Jesus Christ and his disciples had to say about the subject. His emphasis on the word of God and the importance of knowing what the Bible states about these issues affords readers a background that would make it harder to fall prey to wrongful teachings and charismatic presenters. It is a work that leads one to question some of the things being presented as fact and the basis from which to do so. Stieffel offers a much-needed assessment of biblical principles concerning wealth and health. His work is an invaluable addition to Christian apologetics.

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