Hidden Women: Charlemagne's Celtic Domain
by Jacqueline Widmar Stewart
Lexicus Press

"Repurposing items as fundamental to Celtic culture as their wine vessels gives a small idea of the lengths to which conquerors have gone to erase all Celtic traces."

In this detailed historical study, readers venture through a past rife with violence, cultural erasure, and misogyny. Readers encounter a discussion that casts Charlemagne, the head of the Holy Roman Empire, in a new light. This discussion then informs readers about the Europe of today. Most significant in this book is the analysis of women, and the persecution of women and children. The book challenges readers by asserting that "More and more the Christian conquest is being seen as responsible for destroying and literally defacing likenesses of women." Readers travel through France, Germany, and Czechia via colorful photography that brings some of Europe's most valued historical places and landscapes to their living rooms.

For readers interested in Europe's origins and some of the most controversial conquests of their time, this book is an illuminated gateway to the past. Its discussion of the persecution and erasure of women from significant historical venues places the work into the modern feminist conversation. The detailed maps of trade and travel routes make this book an interactive adventure, and the colorful photography makes it a unique type of coffee table book. For history lovers, it is a must-read because of its detailed assertions about Charlemagne and Europe as a whole. Those readers interested in aspects of European culture like wine production and its importance to certain areas of Europe will also appreciate this book because of its presentation about the subject. Overall, this is an informative, accessible read perfect for history experts and novices alike.

The first in the Hidden Women series was a 2018 Eric Hoffer Book Award Montaigne Medal Finalist.

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