High Creativity Unmasked: Persons and Civilizations: The GAM/DP Theory of Personality and Creativity
by William A. Therivel
Kirk House Publishers

"High creativity requires a youth with a shortage of conventional scripts, growing up in a world of challenging opportunities."

In this scientific look at creativity, Therivel presents what he calls the GAM/DP Theory of Personality and Creativity. He defines his theory through the formula P=GxAxMxDP or Potential=Genetic Endowment x Assistances x Misfortunes x Division of Power. First, the book discusses the GAM parts of the theory, which "contribute to personality and creativity of the individual." Genetic Endowment refers to one's intelligence, temperament, drive, and specific talents, while Assistances are factors that help shape the young mind: quality parents, relatives, and schools. Misfortunes include the early death of a parent and physical infirmity. The second part then discusses DP or Division of Power, in which the author looks at societal aspects of creativity. Examining the formative years of some of the world's most famous creatives, Therivel identifies fourteen GAM personality families, such as Architects, Seekers, and Reformers, including examples of each. The appendix includes photos of art, references, and subject and author indexes.

This interesting theory of creative potential is a condensed offering of Therivel's earlier work. Though compact, the book presents a satisfying explanation of the author's theory. One of the book's most interesting aspects is his look at the writings of the philosopher, social and political theorist, and intellectual Isaiah Berlin, whose theories divide great thinkers into two categories: hedgehog or fox. Berlin observes that "The fox knows many things, but the hedgehog knows one big thing." Theivel's writing is succinct and easy to understand. With plenty of examples to back his theory, readers will find the examination of how great creatives such as Darwin, Newton, Baudelaire, Mozart, and de Kooning fit into Therivel's theory intriguing. Whether one is searching for an intellectual examination of creativity or just interested in how one's early experiences play a role in one's creative potential, this fascinating work offers many insights.

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