Higher Power: My Life of Service
by Michael D. Schmitz, Rev.

"One must be open to His service at any age, whether one’s previous life was spent in the military or in any other career."

The opportunity to be of service as a Catholic priest after serving over a decade in the Air Force created a chance for the author of this book to turn his life around and make a meaningful contribution. In this look back at important moments and interesting times in his own life, the audience is allowed to look in and share in triumphs as well as learn from mistakes so they need not be repeated. Readers will learn about faith, growth, and even creativity, like when the author combined his current vocation of preaching with his childhood dream of becoming a clown. Uplifting and honest, this book provides a clear window into the reverend’s past and develops an immediate rapport, expressing its message directly and on a relatable level instead of coming off as sanctimonious.

The approach and tone used in relaying these stories to the masses is skillful and shows the author's knack for putting together effective and engaging homilies. Each memory and admission reaches a hand out to the audience and illustrates that it can be easy to make missteps, but they need not define us as humans. Readers will find themselves comparing their own choices in similar situations and perhaps realizing that they can find a similar way to use their outcomes to help others. There are also plenty of asides and side trips that make the whole read feel like a conversation rather than a lecture, demonstrating the many ways in which a person can find themselves called to service or simply feel compelled to do something for their community. Those looking for some inspiration or guidance can find plenty here, and others who simply want a nice down-to-earth read will have a great time with this book.

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