Hold On
by Ann Anders
Trafford Publishing

"Through it all I still have joy, the joy of the Lord is my strength."

As a young woman, the author was moved to turn away from her unwholesome lifestyle and become a faithful servant of God. She and her husband had religious conversions, both sudden and gradual, that took them out of drug addiction and other problems preventing them from doing their best. Anders began to have visions indicating that she was being saved for some higher purpose. In the small town on Franklinton, Louisiana, she and her husband were aware of the sinfulness of neighbors, but more significantly, of the pervasive evil deeds of the Ku Klux Klan, whose members, she believes, included even Governor George W. Bush.

In complaining about the conditions in her hometown, she attracted the attention of the police, the FBI, and the Klan. At one point, cameras were planted in their house, and once, their car was sabotaged with explosives that luckily did no harm. The couple lost everything to Hurricane Katrina while living near New Orleans, and both were injured in a serious accident. Yet, she attributes all these events to God's plan for her, envisioning a time of victory to come.

Anders writes her memoir in simple terms, with biblical quotations that are relevant to her unique experiences. She plainly recounts how she and her family were harassed by the Klan while being blessed and protected by God. One theme running through the narrative concerns George W. Bush and his alleged complicity in the 9/11 attacks on America. She prays and offers hopes for American troops overseas. Her visions, such as killing and eating giant anacondas, give her the conviction that she must continually speak out against evil forces and that she will be triumphant in her struggle. Her book, a possible focus for Christian study groups, strongly encourages others to "hold on" as she has done.

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