I Love You, More
by Gabriele McCracken
Archway Publishing

"You are my greatest gift and my forever friend. You are my hallelujah and my soul’s amen."

In McCracken’s sweet and heartwarming children’s picture book, night has fallen as Mommy tucks her young child into bed. As mother and child exchange “I love you” declarations, Mommy insists that “I love you … more.” With a big yawn, the child asks how she can be certain that her love is “more.” Gently, quietly, two-lined, rhymed poetic morsels are expressed from mother to child before sleep finally beckons. “Your every smile, laugh and silly little giggle I enjoy,” writes McCracken. “You simply bring me immeasurable joy.”

Mommy’s soothing whisper and presence are warm and comforting. The accompanying illustrations showcase animal species engaging in the same cuddle-to-bed routine as human mother and child, including doe and fawn, mama cat with kitten, mama bear and cub, and more.

This picture book’s strength lies in its simple yet profound expression of the special bond between mother and child. Tender, wholesome, and beautiful, these pages evoke the gentle but potent expression of unconditional, limitless love between parent and offspring. In a book that is perfect for bedtime reading, sentiments of safety, protection, and healthy emotional and physical nourishment combine to establish this title as a brilliant choice to share with one’s baby, toddler, or young child. Additionally, the illustrations by Christina Morrison utilize a bold, colorful, outdoorsy nature aesthetic that complements the text.

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