Journey of Sea, Heart, and Land
by Jaime Enrique Gutierrez Perez

"Never underestimate your presence... you give them more than you think."

This modern-day adventure novel is an impressive, episodic work of fiction. Elias Gomez, an eighteen-year-old dreamer, imagines a life at sea and is also the typical young man who dreams of beautiful girls. He finds both when he teams up as an apprentice with Captain Ludwig Bineo, the captain’s niece, and the crew on El Valhalla.

Although the English translation may at first come across as a bit off to native English speakers, it gives a unique dialect to the narrator and is the perfect voice for the main character. For example, when Gomez describes his arrival on the ship and Bineo, he says, "...we talked about things that were going to wait for me soon after." But the narrative is also sometimes perfectly poetic in its use of English. For instance, when describing his first sailing lesson, Gomez says, "I became one with the sailboat, and with the rope; my skin was blessed with the cold, yet tender beach water, while the wind rejuvenated my spirit and mind, feeling it grow with muscle made of newly acquired knowledge."

Yet some things are indescribable, and the author isn't afraid to say so. This element adds a frank, genuine warmth to the book. "I can't describe that wonderful spectacle enough with the few words I have!" says the protagonist. And it is true, there aren't enough words in any language to describe the experience of seeing the aurora borealis, so the author doesn't try. The story moves along with near drownings, ports around the world, teen love, and explorations of heterosexual and homosexual sex. There is mystery and unrequited love, teen angst, and confusion throughout the adventures with which almost any reader can relate. The author skillfully explores ideas about friendship, curiosity, love, loyalty, and adolescence, all packed into this journey of a novel.

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