Kid Dino: The Beginning
by Raphael A. Batista
Archway Publishing

"Several hours later, Ralphie was released – no broken bones and no fractures."

This book is about wishes, imagination, intelligence, and superpowers. Ralphie, known as Kid Dino, asks his mother what superpower she would like to have, and she replies she would like to read minds or turn invisible. He states he wants to be an extinct animal and debates with his sister Valencia about this. They discuss whether a T. Rex would defeat a Megalodon and the strengths and weaknesses of the T. Rex. When getting out of the car after getting groceries, he smashes his hand and has to go to the hospital where he’s treated. Having gotten an Amazon package with dinosaur fossils, he finds a fossil coming alive and grabbing his mother with its tongue, turning her into “Momzilla,” and splattering the dishes. Kid Dino grabs another fossil, and a battle ensues.

This imaginary tale for older children is a scary story regarding a parent getting attacked. The story is written appropriately and with interesting facts about dinosaurs and reveals a fun discussion about who would win a battle between the T. Rex and a Megalodon, which Valencia brought into question. It also depicts a loving, close family situation between a mother and her two children as the mother helps Ralphie when he’s injured, and the kids battle to save their mother when she is overtaken by a monster. The book also demonstrates children using not just their imaginations but also their intelligence in how to save their parent. The art is also well done and adds another dimension to the work.

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