Kitten to Cat
by Carl D. Schultz
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"'Damage' hints irrevocable permanence. No brain can heal from physical damage. It can only survive."

After a traumatic car crash that left him in a coma for more than half a year, the author of this autobiography spins tales of various phases of his life into a free-form series of reminiscences. From his youth spent wandering the hot summer streets and muggy ditches of the American South to time spent overseas with the Marines and difficulties in getting through various therapies post-accident, each chapter highlights a memory that stands out. Stories of youth baseball and football, mischief with friends, young love, and a military legacy intertwine, weaving in and out of each other seamlessly and creating a highly personalized and surprising autobiography. American culture of its time and the timeless attitudes of young people trying to keep themselves entertained frame many of these memories, giving the narrative a frequently playful tone despite its occasional focus on tragedy and hardship.

Written in a free-flowing, rhythmic style, each of these chapters, despite being rooted in history, has an ethereal quality to them that makes the details sharp and softens the backgrounds into something almost dreamlike. In much the same way, the book concerns itself more with storytelling than chronological accuracy, sending the reader on an exciting trip forward and backward through time to learn more and more about the author’s life. There is a strong emphasis on voice and style here that many autobiographies lack, allowing readers to learn just as much about the author through his manner of writing as they do in the details provided by the text. Winding and fearless, this story goes to strange, unexpected places that blur the line between reality and perception, creating a fun, fascinating read.

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