Life As Art: Hindsight, I Sight, Insight
by Gail Morningstar
Lettra Press

"It becomes invaluable to be discerning about what is mine and what belongs to someone else."

In this book, Morningstar utilizes quotes, artistic kaleidoscope photographs, and brief generalized insights to inspire readers to reflect on their lives. As a retired clinical therapist who worked with art therapy and mindfulness techniques, she uses her expertise to create an atmosphere for peaceful meditation throughout the book. The work is broken up into five key themes: Shadow, Suffering, Judgement, Surrender, and Compassion. Readers are invited to explore the areas of their past, present, and future where they need healing, growth, and joy. The ultimate goal is that one walks away with a sense of joy and insight. The content of each section is brief and general because the author's goal is not to tell her own story but rather to invite readers to explore theirs. The "meat" of the book consists of the author's kaleidoscope portraits of wall art and woven images accompanied by quotes to inspire the reader to delve into their own time of meditation.

Written to be a book for guided meditation, the author’s book does an incredible job of facilitating a relaxing reading atmosphere. Morningstar emphasizes that her personal story is not relevant to the text, so rather than sharing the details of her life, she helpfully showcases art that has impacted her in hopes that it will inspire a similar spiritual healing journey for the reader. As readers work through the book, they will undoubtedly be inspired to pause and meditate on the images and accompanying quotes and how they relate to specific areas in their lives. Each section begins with a simple introduction, effectively drawing the reader easily into the concept of the past, sufferings, judgments, surrendering, and comparisons. Anyone who enjoys meditation or desires growth and healing in their life will benefit from this simple work.

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