Little Pablo Gets a New Puppy
by T. Steele Petry
PageTurner Press and Media

"Little Pablo found there is much to learn and prepare for when getting a new pup…"

A former family practice physician turned writer and artist adds some fun yet practical knowledge for potential pet owners in this latest addition to his "Little Book" series. Here, the youthful reader will learn along with Little Pablo, the story's central character, all the disciplines required to take on ownership of a new puppy. Pablo really wants a doggy companion, and his parents readily agree. Together they visit shelters and breeders to find the best match. Pablo likes them all, but a first lesson is that looks can be deceiving, as adorable little pups may grow up to be much bigger than they appear now. So Pablo undertakes a period of preparation and education, reading books and attending classes to learn all he can before choosing his best-fit canine companion.

Simple rules include not pulling on a dog's tail (which makes it wail) but instead rubbing the animal around the ears to relax it and reduce its nervousness. Dogs are pack animals, needing a leader to guide them and a cozy place to rest after their active play. Pablo will come to understand that a puppy wants a great deal of attention, such as twice-a-day meals. He will also learn that "soon after eating, outside they should be led" to do their natural duty. The animal needs space to play outside each day, and Pablo will need to get a leash and a whistle for himself to help teach his dog good manners and keep it safe. He will also need a collar and nametag for identifying the pup. Once he has absorbed these basics, Pablo is ready to get his new friend—a cute little female named Sadie. Pablo will learn even more about his duty to keep her contented and make her part of her new family in his daily interactions with his dog.

Petry charmingly presents the story of Pablo and Sadie to his young readers. The author's bright action paintings show a puppy with sparkling eyes and a boy with the desire and intelligence to study and manage his new responsibilities as well as learn by doing once he brings Sadie home. As deftly framed by Petry, Pablo is a cute kid with a certain carefree manner of stance and style that will invite children to identify with him. In the artist's endearing drawings, the newly adopted Sadie is wooly black with white fluff and floppy ears, just the sort of canine companion that begs for rubbing, scratching, and regular, rambunctious rambles on the leash.

Through this mixed medium of simple rhyming narrative with necessary instructions and vibrant pictorial support, Petry fulfills his stated purpose of preparing any child for happily sharing space with a new pet. He is also enacting his larger ideal, expressed through the "Little Book" volumes, of dispensing valuable material in an enjoyable format to the families he has come to appreciate through his medical practice. This offering would make an excellent "read-to" experience, allowing a parent or mentor to convey practical instruction to a receptive youngster and probably learn a few new things in the process.

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