Make-It-Happen Entrepreneur Mindset–A Lived Experience (Classic Edition)
by Prof. Emer. L. Murray Gillin, AM.
PageTurner Press and Media

"Successful entrepreneurs build a company/organization, creating personal value, and then making significant charitable/philanthropic contributions to community outreach that delivers real value to users."

Comprehensive and meticulous, Gillin’s book seamlessly weaves in his life story with the make-it-happen mindset. The author has garnered no shortage of accolades and esteemed positions in heralded fields. Yet it is his unyielding resolve to introduce the potency of entrepreneurship and the make-it-happen mindset that stands prominent in his work, turning his autobiography into a crystal-clear blueprint for readers to develop into productive individuals.

Combining together one’s intelligence makeup (IQ, EQ, and SQ), the author transports audiences to the root of his journey, delving into the values of faith and spirituality his parents instilled in him in childhood, the college experience with the Melbourne University Engineering Students Club (MUESC), discovering the innovative and infinite world of research, and much more. His lived experiences, as he calls them, are succinctly outlined to form the pillars of the author’s personal entrepreneur ecosystem (PEE).

At the core of this impressive work is collaboration, whether that is with family or colleagues. Through detailed charts and diagrams, Gillin provides a pathway for all types of learners, consistently striving to deliver a holistic portrayal of how one can exemplify the make-it-happen mindset. More than that, he offers a guide to uncovering the essence of the human spirit, something that the author has gone to great lengths to detail for the layman to understand.

Undoubtedly, aside from orchestrating the advent of the Australian Graduate School of Entrepreneurship, Gillin has an extensive and breathtaking list of accomplishments and endeavors that convey how one can achieve success while preserving and even optimizing their inherent traits through the undeterred make-it-happen mindset. Ultimately, each page of the author’s book unveils a new layer of nuances and knowledge in a work that is simultaneously informative and awe-inspiring.

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