Marcus Teaches Us (3): Simplified for kids 6-9 years old
by Eleanor Wint and Annu Yah Kadhi Stewart
Library and Archives Canada

"Marcus Garvey is a hero of Blacks at home and abroad. He made people feel proud of their history and of being black."

Recalling and revering noted black leader Marcus Garvey, a dynamic pair of authors present materials to introduce him to children of a new generation. Garvey, born in Jamaica in 1887, gathered millions of followers worldwide under the banner of his movement, the Universal Negro Improvement Association. One illustration shows dots on a global map of the countries where his message spread, encouraging young readers to identify them. Garvey urged blacks and all people of color to become self-reliant. Examples of courageous, resourceful persons of color shown through various exercises include Barack Obama, Oprah Winfrey, Rosa Parks, and Harriet Tubman. Garvey taught in two main spheres: (1) "Intelligence" and (2) "Dignity and Pride of Race," with his statements typifying each of those sterling qualities. He encouraged his fellow blacks to be proud of themselves, stressing that they should never think of themselves as slaves or inferior.

The co-authorship of this compelling, educational work provides an area of special interest in itself. Wint is an adult, a composer of numerous books for children, and calls herself “a serious Garvey follower.” Meanwhile, her partner, Annu, is a nine-year-old boy with an enthusiastic bent for artwork and a genuine zeal for helping other youngsters understand more about Garvey. Together, they have created a portrait of the man and his philosophy that can attract readers of any age. Garvey’s poetry and inspiring prose are found on nearly every page, in a format geared to children and their interests. Undoubtedly, many readers, including adults, will be enlightened by the simple framework of this interactive biography and will want to learn more. The examples given, the exercises offered, and the attractive illustrations that grace the book’s pages are a charming, compelling invitation to explore more deeply the life and ideals of this remarkable man.

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