Midnight Justice
by Robin Dobbins
Gotham Book

"So far he's doing what we all wish we do legally."

Alexandria McCord is a history teacher who goes by the name Alex. However, she has a secret identity as a vigilante who protects innocent victims from gangs. Detectives Mike Kinstley and Sharon Murphy have been tracking the vigilante, but they believe it is a man. Alex strongly believes that she is doing the right thing, as she feels that the law has often failed to protect others. Ten years ago, her parents died at the hands of Willie Buchanan, the leader of the Grimm Reapers, and ever since then, she has been tracking him in the hope of bringing an end to his reign of terror. Unfortunately, Alex discovers that someone knows her secret, which could land her in prison.

Dobbins’ literary work broaches the subject of an unjust legal system that fails to protect the innocent, leaving them with no choice but to take matters into their own hands. The character of Alex embodies this idea through her unwavering efforts to fight for the innocent. Each character in the story has a distinct voice that distinguishes them from one another. Through their dialogue, the reader gains insight into their personalities. For example, Alex is portrayed as an unyielding character who persists until she achieves her goals. The author skillfully heightens the suspense in the narrative when someone discovers Alex's activities, potentially jeopardizing her efforts to bring the wrongdoers to justice. Dobbins, through his work, reveals the harsh reality that the legal system often safeguards offenders rather than victims, which is a thought-provoking topic worth exploring. Readers will appreciate this book for its numerous plot twists and turns that keep them engaged and on the edge of their seats.

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