My Book of Bible Verses & Daily Prayers
by Kathy Alexis
MainSpring Books

"But until they believe with all their heart, their power will remain dormant. Teach them to release their power through FAITH!"

At the core of this work is the purity of prayer in its simplest form with an emphasis on expressing gratitude in each and every action. While it is undoubtedly suitable for all audiences, the budding young mind that is being exposed to millions of new stimuli in their lives stands to benefit the most from understanding the qualities that bring one closer to God.

A strong emphasis has been placed on communication and language, whether that is through sign language, stories, or even art. In Alexis’ work, the story revolves around Ms. Lily’s classroom, which is emblematic of all elementary classrooms, where the knowledge-seeking nature of kids is met with the intention of learning about the positive qualities that the Lord has imbued within mankind.

The piece opens up with a story about Lucas, a boy who, while enraged that he could not go to a concert, exclaims to his mom that he hates her, only to see her pass out in the next instant. From this mini anecdote, a realization dawns on Ms. Lily’s classroom of students: every action has consequences. What’s worse is that negative emotions often lead to things being said that are not truly meant, yet they leave an indelible mark on a relationship. Adults are hardly immune from this idea of saying things they don’t mean. On the contrary, it is more rampant as one gets older and is forced to be politically correct over being one’s authentic self.

The fusion of creative storytelling and resplendent, bright colors through art brings the classroom and all of the Sunday school students to life for the reader. What makes this narrative particularly intriguing is the simultaneous connection between a Bible verse and how the children enact it in their daily lives. With twenty-six children in the group, each child is assigned a verse that begins with the first letter of their name. Simple techniques like these add further engagement with audiences, especially younger ones who are thinking about their own name and a verse that could associate with them. In other words, there is a sense of accountability and direct connection that is present in this book that does not come across as the traditional form of preaching.

Whether it is Amanda letting her cup run over through her commitment to do chores and follow rules, Cindy’s care and tenderness toward plants, or Haley helping Flutter when the bird is in need of help, the author brings each of the complex scriptures into direct application, providing demonstrations of love being patient, love being kind, etc., in practice. A strong energy of love and light permeates the entire work, conveying the power prayer possesses to bring light into one’s life and create open lines of communication with God. Above all else, this story is Alexis’ blueprint for all audiences to experience the fruits of unyielding faith, and how even the darkest clouds of adversity can part ways for the sun to shine through and bring light into one’s life.

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