"I planned to develop my desired career, a banking and finance career of my dream-the set goal and objective in bilingual speaking excellently in English and Mandarin."

The author shares the inspirational story of his life. Born in Singapore to industrious parents, he lived in poverty. His parents were delighted to welcome a baby boy. However, his mother's joy soon gave way to panic when she realized he was chronically sick. The pain of his illness caused him to wail relentlessly. Saddened but undeterred to heal him, she whispered positive affirmations in his ear and diligently followed instructions from the medical staff. She loved him too much to give up on him.

His mother's dedication and determination were eventually echoed in the author's drive to work hard and become accomplished. He studied in between working long hours with his parents. His dream was to be a banker or work in finance. Sheer determination and focus paid dividends as he earned several degrees, including a doctorate in business administration. In his estimation, all the praise and credit go to his mother, whose love kept him alive.

What sets this book apart from others is that it is not a simple bittersweet recollection of the author's past. Rather, he uses the business plan structure to imbue his methods for achieving success. He lays out his plan as a set of goals, precise steps needed to achieve them, and a timeline for accountability. Each chapter provides a detailed account of a principle and how he used it. Additionally, the author's writing style is engaging, especially because he employs storytelling, instructions, and encouragement to help readers reach their goals. The blending of family folktales about his life coupled with technical guidelines is intense, practical, and accessible simultaneously. This book has universal appeal, and it would make a great gift for a young reader. It is inspirational and encouraging.

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