In this emotional collection, anger, grief, abandonment, and loneliness converge with joy, happiness, and fulfillment. Through poetry, readers discover a path to healing from depression and trauma. In eight carefully curated sections, readers travel through one speaker's experiences ranging from adoption issues to a concluding one consisting of assorted poetry examining motherhood, friendships, and good versus evil. Poems such as "Being the Adult Child" guide readers through the speaker's recognition that emotional maturity happens later for some than it does for others. In "Heart and Soul," readers discover the healing power of not only reading but writing poetry, a message that carries throughout the rest of the collection and affirms to them the gift that reading and writing can deliver to one's daily life.
This poetry collection is vulnerable and honest and takes readers into the realm of self-discovery and healing with which most are unfamiliar. This book adds important insights to the ever-growing conversation surrounding adoptee rights and experiences. At its core, it advocates the healing power that writing and reading have to offer. Its verses hold an important message about the role of the arts in not only society but also an individual's life. The poems tackle a variety of important issues such as mental health, emotional well-being, coping, and body positivity. Like the poem in Julayne Lee's Not My White Savior, the verses are a careful reminder to all that their actions today can profoundly influence someone else tomorrow. Full of confession, admission, and praise, the poems in this book are sure to stay with readers long after they have finished reading.