One Acorn's Journey: The Legend of Angel Oak
by Rhonda S. Edwards

"Will harmony between nature and humankind allow the legend of Angel Oak to continue?"

Angel Oak, the oldest oak tree in North American, started as an acorn hundreds of years ago. This is the story of that one acorn's journey to full growth. According to the legend, this journey was helped by a prayer from a native elder, Hatokwassi. Hatokwassi was a wise Kiawah woman who inhabited the land that is now Johns Island, South Carolina. When she found the acorn, she imagined it could be a tree that would offer shade for Kiawah children, a tree that would provide more acorns. From these acorns, the Kiawah people extracted precious oil. Hatokwassi imagined a tree that could give shelter and sustenance for birds and squirrels.

The book's illustrations capture the spirit, generosity, and steadfastness of Hatokwassi and the natural world. It's an inspiring book for any child or children's library. The story also shows the profound ways Hatokawassi's prayer was answered. The reader will experience a sense of awe, observing the way one oak tree can survive all tests of time. The narrative mentions facts about the tree's dimensions and endurance. This one tree has witnessed Kiawah children grow and pass away as well as numerous changes that have taken place over the years. This story offers the reader an invitation to visit this fine tree and remember Hatokwassi's prayer.

The author's book includes a useful teacher's guide to help with classroom lesson plans. It also offers resources for in-depth projects to inspire reflective writing and further environmental study. These tools will help kids who want to work in ecology, preservation, and activism that supports reforestation. Readers will likely appreciate this book's urgent message and deep reverence for this iconic tree.

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