One Mistake - Many Problems
by Dr. Emmanuel Oduro

"Some of our mistakes are accidental while others are intentional and sinful."

Oduro reminds readers of the definition of the word "mistake," giving that term depth as depicted in Christian teaching. He advises that Satan, "the father of all lies," will continually seek to invade one's mind and soul and destroy all positive intentions. Even the sincerest believers can be deceived by the Devil, who causes spiritual blindness, casts blame on innocent people, and hinders attempts at prayer. Though internal and external sacrifices may aid in strengthening one's relationship with God, they can also be used for demonic purposes. Parents' sins may affect their children, deeds meant for good can be thwarted, and immorality will flourish until believers learn to listen to God's still, quiet voice and make a daily ritual of powerful prayer. Oduro offers his readers a lengthy prayer list ("Your Daily Manna") calling on God's loving protection while taking a warlike stance against the workings of Satan.

The author is a senior pastor who received a powerful vision of the Day of the Lord and a further visitation from God urging him to testify to what he had seen. This led him to study for the Christian ministry. Such revelations clearly invoked an impetus to elucidate for readers the power of God as it can arise and affect individual lives. Oduro's work focuses on realistic episodes of believers' struggles and triumphs as recounted in the Holy Bible, from which he draws a wealth of supporting quotations. Using pertinent examples from such biblical stories as those of Abraham and Gideon, he stresses the need for true sacrifice and genuine repentance, deriving lessons for modern readers that can aid them in fighting for righteousness and battling evil where they find it. Oduro's imaginative, educational stance provides a dynamic guide for sincere Christians to follow.

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