"Belonging in
A social class
Of your own can
Inspire all
who dare to live"

In this expansive collection, readers discover poems celebrating individuality, joy, love, and spirituality. Poems like “Deep Convictions” bring forth “what matters internally.” Other selections like “A Gifted Mystique” serve as odes to the unique characteristics that make people memorable. Eventually, readers discover works such as “Tomorrow Can Now Provide,” which gives insights into why events in the past must happen in order for those in the future to prove fruitful. As the collection concludes, the poem “What Will I Do With the Current Time at Hand?” encourages people to use their time wisely and to carefully consider and reflect on each moment they are given. Readers also find inspiration in the poem “Breaking the Mold,” which encourages individuals to be themselves, go forth, and live their best lives.

For those who are new to poetry, this collection is highly accessible. It possesses a conversational tone, and its forms are also straightforward. Uniquely, many of the poems repeat the piece’s title as an individual line within the poem. This creates an echo effect that makes reading the selections aloud an interesting experience entirely on its own. Many of the poems also include the form and meter the verse utilizes. Thus, these pieces can serve as a primer for those who wish to pursue writing their own verses. At their core, these poems examine the origins of life, thought, and spirituality. The approach the speaker of each selection utilizes in attempting to answer some of the big questions these origins provoke is intimate, thoughtful, and direct.

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