Prophecy Before Vision: Learning to See and Altering the Future
by James Michael Matthew
Archway Publishing

"All events to happen in the future of any kind will come as the result of a series of connected past chain of events."

Any organization needs to develop a strategic plan and a vision. Often a tremendous amount of time and effort is spent crafting the perfect messaging about a company. Yet, the author emphasizes that most companies are missing a critical step. He asserts that it is unfeasible to develop this forward-facing cornerstone of a business without first analyzing what future trends and forces may impact the work. Leaders need to understand this and learn how to look into the future. From that vantage point, they can lead their team effectively and confidently.

The other key concept the author focuses on is his innovative strategic plan to upend the wealth inequality pyramid. Like a business proposal, this plan is presented by first introducing the problem. It then provides high-level yet concrete strategies to address the problem’s root causes. As the author states, these approaches are simple in concept and complex in their application. He acknowledges that the magnitude of the scope can seem overwhelming. However, the ideology he proposes as a model for accomplishing the vision of wealth equality is broken down into five steps. Each step is described succinctly, so implementation is straightforward.

Matthew’s introduction presents his intense passion for business and for reversing global wealth inequality. He lends his education and decades of business experience to developing this comprehensive platform to solve the world’s chronic humanitarian problems. The author uses excellent writing skills to explain and organize the strategies precisely. Readers should not be misled by the volume’s brevity. The ideas are presented to provide the vision with the implementation plan on a high level. More importantly, it is intended to generate passion for the mission. This book will likely appeal to business, leadership development, and social justice audiences.

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