Prudent Love: A Collection of Poems
by Estelle Lillian Bonneau

"The intricacies of creation are impeccable. Only God could fastidiously design heaven, earth, and everything therein. Praise him for the wonders He has done."

As a licensed minister, Bonneau's poetry spans the spectrum of unconditional and unyielding faith in the Lord, the earthly sensual experiences that are the trademark of being human, and the knowledge of losing loved ones. Blessed with the healing touch, Bonneau seeks to use the written word to awaken and mend the inner spirit in each individual, a reminder that regardless of their trials and tribulations, they pale in comparison to the sacrifice that Jesus Christ made for all of humanity.

A fitting classification of Bonneau's poetry is empowerment through faith, encapsulated by poems such as "Just to Save Me" and "Pentecost," which employ narrative prose to highlight Judas' betrayal and the majesty of the Holy Ghost in Jerusalem, respectively. The glory and strength of scripture are the Lord's conduit to eternity and mercy, a pathway to leading meaningful existences.

From a stylistic perspective, the collection features a unique, steady rhyme scheme of ABCB throughout many quatrains. In poems like "Winter," alliteration is juxtaposed directly with strong imagery of white feathers and crisp white snow, both symbols of purity. As the poetry progresses, themes of prayer slowly transition to a comprehensive range of subjects, including but not limited to commentary on nature, the power of the human mind, and the yearning for lost love. Specifically, poems like "The Meeting of Our Souls" perfectly capture the frenetic energy that begins with a fury of touch and intimacy and culminates in sheer satisfaction. Overall, audiences get to experience two entirely genuine sides of the poet: one side consumed by the fervor of faith and the mercy of Christ and the other that touches on the romanticizing of intimacy as featured in the sections about marriage.

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