Quotes from the Quiver
by Dante P. Galiber, MD, FACC

"Quotes serve at least three purposes: minimizing time, word usage, and the distance one needs to travel to attain wisdom and understanding."

With over 450 quotations arranged across a wide variety of categories, this eye-opening collection imparts wisdom on every page. Galiber's impressive commitment to documenting original quotations gathered from his daily life has resulted in this valuable resource. The quotes are well-organized by topics so that readers can browse the book for areas of interest based on chapter titles. Readers can also progress through the entries from beginning to end and accrue daily inspiration. Each selection feels grounded in truth, experience, and authenticity. Galiber's life experiences inform the creation and curation of these quotes. He explores social issues, current topics, and universal truths.

In a world of 280 Twitter characters, a quote collection is well-tuned to today's demand for bite-sized insight that can be as powerful as the plate-sized essay. So much can be packed into these short bursts of words that line up to offer timeless truths about the world. The well-stated quote is a gateway to deeper thought, inviting contemplation on philosophical ideas about life. From topics like relationships to justice to success and failure, Galiber mines the nuance of life to uncover advice, philosophy, and inspiration. He moves easily from issues concerning the individual to those connected to the communal and global. Seekers looking to develop their well-being will find nuggets of wisdom. Also, those looking to engage with the world outside themselves will find words that resonate and facilitate a connection to relevant societal issues.

This collection would likely make an excellent gift for graduates, budding philosophers, and people seeking greater understanding for their lives. Galiber builds a pathway with original quotations and leads readers through an array of thoughts and observations that will spark a journey of discovery.

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