"I will try to keep this book simple and provide knowledge that can be taken into the readers' real lives...."

Copley's book is a comprehensive instruction manual of common sense approaches to money. Geared to young adults who are beginning to manage their funds, the manuscript discusses the pros and cons of various vehicles to help consumers earn, save, invest, borrow, and spend their incomes to minimize loss and augment wealth. The author's perspective is positive as he quotes scripture and emphasizes his desire to relay what he can to increase people's quality of life. The lessons are basic and honest. Copley explains truths that facilitate and define the motivations of financial institutions that manage people's wealth. In some respects, they manage people's lives, His topics include Social Security income, borrowing money, the wise and unwise paths for consumers to take, how to figure compound interest and deal with budgets, differences that confront single v. partnered investors, and other basic and important functions, vehicles, and strategies.

The teaching aspect in this work is pervasive. There is a strong sense of the author's mission that can be useful to earners and investors, providing some behind-the-scenes explanations of the actions of a variety of financial institutions in order to help potential investors, borrowers, and homeowners make informed decisions. Charts and graphs are plentiful and illustrate clearly some of the more complex issues. As the author states, the text is "simple" and is not meant particularly for veterans of finance and investing. However, it is useful, and the significant information is easy to understand. It is a magnum opus of assistance from a person of experience who is reaching out to assist those who can benefit from his expertise.

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