"Enjoy your favorite streaming site together as a family with all other devices shut off."

Everyone needs internet access. Understanding the different types available and exactly what an internet service provider is offering is the purpose of this brief book. Most chapters are dedicated to a particular kind of internet service, and each gives a basic explanation of the logistics of the offering and its pros and cons. The last two chapters provide the reader with helpful tips for getting the most out of their internet and ways to find internet services available in their area. Following this are a few appendices that go into more depth on more technical areas.

Grabiel has many years of experience in the field he is writing about. He uses this experience and the lessons he has learned from dealing with customers over the years to guide him while writing a beginner-friendly guide to understanding and purchasing internet service. The writing is clear and to the point, and the book is separated into easily manageable chapters. Grabiel uses plain speech and offers examples to help one understand the concepts he explains. At times, the presentation is a bit dry, and there are instances when a one-page infographic might display the same information in an easier-to-grasp and remember format. Still, sitting well under one hundred pages, the book delivers the information in a concise format that is understandable to most readers. Anyone wishing to understand the world of internet service providers to be better informed and make an intelligent decision before making a purchase will find good information in this book.

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