Rehtaf – Father of the Fatherless
by Manoj Joy
Balboa Press

"I realised the highest place of refuge was within one’s own self."

Eastern and Western spiritual wisdom are celebrated in this debut biographical novel. The compelling narrative successfully shines a light on child marriage, domestic violence, and child abuse in 1970s India. Young Leela is packed off to a distant town where she believes she’s to attend a church event, only to discover she’s actually being given in marriage to Yacob, son of Eliamma. The wicked woman is interested more in the bride’s dowry than in the welfare of her son. Held captive by Eliamma because the couple is too young to consummate the marriage, Leela serves as a housemaid as is customary for new brides. After she is raped one night by Yacob’s brother and later by a group of men, the family blames Leela to quell gossip. At first, Leela’s young husband is protective of her and tolerant. But the family’s constant badgering breaks Yakob’s resolve, angering him so deeply that he begins to abuse Leela.

The focal point and narration of the story shift to Mai, the illegitimate child, after his birth. Many challenges loom ahead for Mai in an abusive Catholic orphanage after his mother’s premature death and his stepfather’s disavowal. The author reveals his inner strength in absorbing the spiritual tenets of his cultural Hindu roots and exposure to Christian principles as Mai struggles with the highs and lows of his experiences in the orphanage. At times a tad prescriptive, this tale will still inspire readers of faith as they see Mai discover that he has deeper connections to the Spirit than he’d ever thought possible. Rehtaf, at first just a mysterious voice on the phone, emerges as an allegorical father at critical junctures in Mai’s life, providing guidance that allows the young man to pursue a rewarding life that wouldn’t have been possible without a father’s loving interest.

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