"Even if you find you have succumbed to self-serving power, you can use your new understanding to change and continue a successful life and career."

Building on his first book and the JM Prophecies Leadership Code, Matthew’s second offering illuminates how self-serving prophecies fail to achieve the lasting results leaders expect. With the author’s passion for turning the global wealth inequality pyramid upside down, he is providing an opportunity for those at the bottom of the economy and creating a system to engage and change leaders who are focused on their own best interests instead of being focused on nurturing and growing new leaders. The author shares how a leader often makes the final code-red decision that brings about their downfall. This becomes their Rubicon, and their total failure is foretold once that is met. Matthew presents his plan to reindustrialize America, transforming the workforce and then launching an employment recruiting website. Introducing his Circle-of-Life strategy and phased-in retirement, he has a plan to shore up funding for Medicare and Social Security in a dwindling population.

Referencing his extensive research, Matthew includes articles and headlines that give credence to his Twenty-First Century Prophecies. Thought-provoking case studies provide intriguing discussions for leadership study groups or book clubs. His writing is well-documented but also compassionate, asking the reader to consider being selfless in an economy that is moving and changing rapidly. Matthew consistently writes of change and provides an actionable plan for how change can be accomplished successfully. He is inclusive of his family, their combined decisions, their love of America, and their care for a marginalized society. A glimpse of the ambitious future of JM Prophecies is provided, with a look at upcoming books in the series that includes information on plans to build a Leadership Broadcasting Company. This book is for anyone considering becoming a leader or wishing to hone their leadership potential in today’s changing world.

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