Reparations for Slavery
by Prophet Anthony Starnes
Stratton Press

"The main issue of this book is not slavery per se or even reparations for slavery but the fact that another civil war is coming."

There are two major elements blended in this powerful offering by author Starnes. The first concerns the history of and responsibility for slavery as it was practiced in the United States, reminding readers that black Muslims instigated slavery among their own African people and facilitated its global spread. Therefore, Starnes asserts, economic reparations for those affected by that evil institution should be made by Middle Eastern, Muslim-dominated, oil-rich nations. But this has not happened because of policies of American governance that, for example, allow the acceptance of Jihadist Muslims as U.S. citizens and promulgate generally socialist ideals. The second greatly disturbing element discussed is the possibility of a coming civil war. Starnes advises readers to strengthen their Christian faith and prepare for horrific warfare on every front.

In constructing this emotive, prophetic work, Starnes has assembled a fascinating array of current and historical facts, personal recollection, and biblical wisdom. His essential points are clear and underpinned with numerous references. The second half of this work is an "Index of Truths" drawn from the main text and cited numerically, chapter by chapter. He has gathered credible material from sources such as diaries of those who lived during the first Civil War, including highly condemnatory evidence about President Lincoln and the conduct of his generals and Union soldiers. Starnes also candidly provides autobiographical material about his own early life of crime, imprisonment, and deep Christian conversion that led to his higher education, including ministerial study. He cites and praises many contemporary preachers, giving a special place to choirs and singers who played a moving role in his personal faith-building. His appeal to readers to prepare and stay aware of the evil afoot in the United States today offers a serious source for study among those of like mind and those new to his enlightening material.

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