Rockpeople: Ancient Man Captured in Stone
by Michael G. Hunter

"Hundreds of millions of years ago, the Earth was at one or more times, not just populated, but it was also overpopulated."

Author Hunter is a diligent explorer in numerous interconnected realms of science, leading him to the conviction that our planet has been populated and repopulated more than once. He believes one proof of this phenomenon is the appearance of very tiny people encased in stone. Hunter has photographed many rocks and includes some of those depictions here, showing such minute details as a woman screaming, a man walking his dog, and even a man in a kilt carrying what appears to be bagpipes. Many of these "rockpeople" wear colorful clothing and sunglasses, suggesting a civilized, advanced culture. Some rock imprints appear to be animals such as rhinos, moose, and elephants. Hunter urges readers to study the photographs provided not once but several times until the images gradually emerge. The author's well-organized theory presented here is that millions of years ago, while heavily populated with these apparently civilized humans, Earth's orbit intersected with that of another planet, possibly Jupiter, instantly freezing, or "siliconizing," all life forms.

Hunter candidly admits that his studies on this unusual thesis were invoked by his reading of works by Japanese amateur paleontologist Chonosuke Okamura. Hunter's research and prior experience in writing related materials clearly enhance his work. He knows from hard experience that current scientific research conflicts with his discoveries and convictions. In response, he cites several wise thinkers of the past, such as Newton and Copernicus, whose studious conclusions were not recognized until long after their passing. His principal methodology—the intense photography of rock formations from many parts of the globe—aids him in sharing his findings. While he realizes some readers will dismiss his work, others will likely consider his theories fascinating and redolent of wide-ranging possibility.

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