Rodeo Queen 101
by Anne T. Reason
PageTurner Press and Media

"Being a rodeo queen is a competition of knowledge."

The author has written an impressive reference book for anyone interested in becoming a rodeo queen. The book is chock-full of practical suggestions for novice and veteran rodeo queens alike, ranging from rodeo animal care to rodeo queen clothing and make-up. The book will inform hopeful rodeo queens how to be on their best behavior while striving to remain positive and even encouraging to their competitors. The book also includes helpful advice to parents, who play an important role in their child's journey to success.

Reason was not a rodeo queen herself because she contracted polio in 1954, one year before the vaccine was discovered. However, growing up in Yuma, Arizona, she was always excited for her local rodeo: Silver Spur Rodeo. Reason's passion for rodeo is infectious. She writes with a deep affection for the rodeo queen lifestyle, and after reading the book, her readers will undoubtedly feel the same. She includes inspirational quotes at the top of her chapters, some of which are religious.

Reason's book offers invaluable advice on how to become a rodeo queen, paramount of which is not to stress out or throw tantrums during the events. Instead, Reason stresses the importance of remaining upbeat and energetic at the rodeo. Smiling often can help, too. The author includes a useful glossary of rodeo terms, which she encourages her readers to study. Reason suggests that a prepared rodeo queen is a winning rodeo queen. The author's work is an invaluable reference book for anyone wishing to represent their sport in this manner..

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