Satan’s Shadow in Abrahamic Religions
by Michael Ebifegha
The Media Reviews

"First, why would God classify a commandment that is supposed to be temporary among a set of moral commandments that are everlasting?"

Author and instructor Ebifegha here arrays a nearly encyclopedic range of corroborations, both historical and biblical, to bring his powerful theme to full light. God ordained the observance of the Sabbath as the seventh day, which is Saturday as taught to and observed by the earliest Israelite peoples, but a gradual shift to a Sunday observance of God’s holy day of rest and remembrance—the work, the author asserts, of Satan—has weakened both the beliefs and the faith of its followers. Ebifegha utilizes his own term for the most sacred day of the week, calling it GCSD (“God’s Creation Sabbath Day”), further emphasizing the biblical truth that after creating the world—its lands, seas, animals, plants, and its human occupants—the Lord designated a day of rest, set aside for contemplation and worship. This designation was underscored powerfully from its position as the cornertone of the Ten Commandments given by God to Moses. Therefore, it is as significant and demanding of true obedience as the other nine in what is often called the Decalogue.

Jesus brought further emphasis to the importance of obeying the will of God, and undeniably he “did not abolish the GCSD.” Therefore, he would have encouraged and maintained its observance among his close disciples. However, as the Christian church grew and spread, Satan’s plan to confuse and confute the purpose of the Sabbath began to take hold, resulting in a switch to Sunday as the preferred day, and the weakening of the observances associated with it. One primary influence in this watering down process was the science presented by Charles Darwin that has caused many Christians to rethink and doubt the entire creation story as set forth in scripture. Numerous church groups even celebrate the birthday of Darwin as “Evolution Sunday,” clear evidence of their doubt and mistrust of holy scripture.

To make his case credible, Ebifegha, who holds both a higher education certificate in religious studies and a doctorate in physics, draws from a multitude of sources, including fellow Christian writers, both supportive of and in disagreement with his central thesis. His judicial use of biblical quotations and references provide a consistent framework for his intelligently presented ideas. A notable example of what the author claims as proof of the eponymous shadow of evil hovering over current-era Christianity is the work of “atheist Michael Zimmerman” and his cohort. Among the cohort are clerics of Judaism, Christianity and Islam, all proponents of Darwin’s theory of evolution as a “foundational scientific truth.”

The author passionately argues that the absolute holiness of the Sabbath as recorded in the Book of Genesis is pivotal to the maintenance of faith among Abrahamic peoples, and the weakening of that principle is an attack on the bedrock of the biblical account, in which God’s great work was completed in six days, with the seventh set aside for rest and holy purpose. As set forth in Ebifegha’s admirable treatise, all Christians are enjoined to keep God’s Ten Commandments, the first of which, given in written form on tablets of stone, is the honor that is to be applied to the Sabbath. Ebifegha’s strong defense of scriptural truth can provide motivation for Christian study among those seeking a deeper support for the faith-based concepts he so vigorously examines.

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