She so loved the world...: Book 1
by Dean Powers

"Ask me where you will go
When you die?
…You go to someone your mom and I trust
Who will love you just as much."

Universal and evergreen, Powers’ poetry spans decades as it traverses the spectrum of themes from life, death, the material world, and the spiritual world that follows. Interestingly, the compilation stems from dream messengers and inspiration through the poet’s many hikes. Overcoming a traumatic childhood, Powers’ journey of self-forgiveness embodies a pure passion for the “playground of life.”

The collection encapsulates poems that are like an ode to life, exuding freshness, especially “The Walk” and “The Hikers,” where humanity’s stewardship of the earth is exemplified through the depiction of the smell of the land and the ancient mystique of the wisdom tree. At the same time, the poet reflects on the reality of the world we live in right now in “The Greed Creed,” where reverence for the almighty dollar takes precedence over any of life’s natural treasures, leading to the maelstrom of chaos that human beings find themselves in daily. Similarly, “An Old School Thanksgiving” delves into the heartbreaking scene of a family suffering from the ravaging effects of economic depression. Though the poems don’t follow any particular rhyme scheme or poetic language, the sheer authenticity and raw, evocative nature of the pieces shine through.

From withdrawal and pain to old age and penitence, the works cover a wide range for all poetry aficionados. However, perhaps “NDE” (Near-Death Experience) is the poem that captures the spirit of what it means to be human, to have a soul, and the transmigration of the soul to its better place. In particular, the helpless feeling of the body when studied next to the disintegration of the ego and the hug from the spirit sums up the meaning of existence. Containing engaging poems with purpose rooted in experience, the compilation is a buffet of food for thought.

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